9 Things That Deteriorate Your Immune System

Your immune system is especially challenged during the corona virus crises while you sit in your home-office.

Look out for the following factors according to www.WebMD.com:

  1. Anxiety: Anxiety or even stress is not a good partner to fight flu, shingles or any other viruses. Try to come down. Yoga or meditation might help.
  2. Lack of Sleep: Your body is not able to produce enough antibodies to fight illness if your body does not get enough sleep. Try to get your 7-8 hours sleep.
  3. Low Vitamin D: It boost your immune system and you can get it through sunlight, fortified foods, fatty fish or eggs. Try to eat regularly such food if you are not allowed to leave your home.
  4. High-Fat Diet: The balance of bacteria in your gut is unsettled, if you eat high fat diets over time, reducing your ability to fight illness. Try to get low-fat dairy with lean protein like chicken and cut your sugar in-take.
  5. Too Few Vegetables and Fruits: Nuts, fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamin A, C, and E, zinc and fiber. They help to boost your immune response. Try to eat each day some nuts, fruits and veggies.
  6. Lack of Exercise: Workout activities help the blood to get around more efficiently. Thus, it can fight better against any unwanted invaders. Ty to get your workout on the balcony. A lot of workout apps are available.
  7. Not Enough Outdoor Time: Being outside helps in many ways – sunlight and fresh air helps indirectly to fight off infections. Try to be each day on your balcony and read a book if possible.
  8. Smoking: Nicotine and other chemicals suppress your immune system. Try to stop now your smoking habits and exchange it with another healthy habit.
  9. Alcohol: Alcohol inhibits the ability of the body to fight germs and repair itself over time. Try to slow down drinking alcohol. Your immune system will be grateful for it.

To support your actions, we offer you our I109 Immune System Soft GumsTM at www.innutri.ch or which is also available in any Swiss pharmacy.

Stay healthy, take Innutri.

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